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(while using my last name feels formal, it does feel pertinent to the branding...) 

Ever since I can remember I have always played the role of "advice giver." And yet a lot of time my style wasn't just giving advice- I had an ability (through conversation) to be able to guide someone closer to where I could see they were wanting to go. Whether on the phone with a friend having dating challenges, or in a project meeting figuring out next steps- I could see a path forward and the blocks that were in the way of getting there. ​


And then almost two years ago I discovered Human Design. And it felt like my entire life clicked together. It reflected back to me the truest version of myself I had ever been shown. When I read from Jenna Zoe's human design course that my life purpose was "to steer people towards things that will help them get to their goal, and away from the things that won't" THAT HIT ME. Because it was something I had been doing my entire life but never would have been able to put into words in that way.




I love people deeply. I care about people deeply. I see people deeply. And I feel so excited to be able to create this space where I get to do that in this new avenue. I want to be the person you call when you need advice and a listening ear but also someone who is going to push you to live a little closer to the YOU you really desire to be. The you that feels really truly fulfilled inside.


Honestly, having a human experience in this life is not a task for the faint. But we were given it because we can handle it. And not just handle it and survive but THRIVE. And each of us helps each other out in our own unique and special way with our gifts and energy. And I've gotten to the point that I feel this deeper nudge from the Universe to share mine on a wider scale.


Let me tell ya, there’s so many new aspects of myself I’ve discovered just from starting this new venture- afraid of being truly seen, safety in playing small- and that informs my work. I am constantly learning more about myself, it’s my favorite hobby. 

So whether you're coming here with a very practical question of "what should I do now?" or a desire to discover more about yourself, I would be so deeply honored to play whatever role feels right for you in your journey. 




Paper Qualifications

Double certified as a Human Design reader:
Jenna Zoe

Coursework in: 
-Dr. Aimie's Biology of Trauma TM 

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